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Regulations on Transportation of Lithium Batteries and Common Dangerous Goods

Article 818 of Civil Code of the People's Republic of China 

Passengers must not carry with them or in their baggage flammable, explosive, poisonous, corrosive, radioactive and dangerous or prohibited articles that may endanger the safety of persons and property on the means of transportation.

If a passenger violates the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the carrier may unload or destroy the dangerous or prohibited articles or hand them over to the relevant authorities. If a passenger insists on carrying or secretly carrying dangerous or prohibited articles, the carrier shall refuse to transport them.


I.  Regulations on Lithium Batteries


Spare lithium batteries are prohibited from being placed in checked baggage and should only be carried on board and individually protected to prevent short-circuiting (placed in the original retail packaging or otherwise insulated for electrodes, such as taping over exposed electrodes, or placing each battery in a separate plastic bag or protective case).


Lithium mobile batteries (power bank) should be considered as spare lithium batteries and be turned off during the flight.


Spare lithium batteries carried on board must not exceed 100Wh (lithium-ion batteries) or 2g (lithium-metal batteries) in rated energy.


The total number of portable electronic devices per person must not exceed 15, and the total number of spare batteries must not exceed 20.


With the approval of the airline, each passenger can carry up to 2 pieces of spare lithium batteries with a rated energy greater than 100Wh but not exceeding 160Wh on board. It is strictly prohibited to carry lithium batteries with rated energy exceeding 160Wh.

For electric wheelchairs, please follow the transportation regulations for electric wheelchairs.


II. Prohibited dangerous goods to be carried on board or as checked baggage for passengers

(1) The security-type luggage, including diplomatic briefcase, cash case, safe, password case and other safety devices, containing hazardous materials such as lithium batteries or pyrotechnic materials. The equipment meeting regulations of DGR is excluded.

(2) Explosives, blasting equipment, pyrotechnic products and imitations of these items. In addition, the conditions listed in Aviation Security Manual, such as the state guard carrying ammunitions for official affairs, shall be implemented complying with relevant requirements in Aviation Security Manual.

(3) Flammable, explosives, including compressed, liquefied gases, flammable liquids, flammable solids, spontaneously combustible materials, combustible materials in contact with water and a variety of organic and inorganic oxidizer, etc.

(4) Poisons, including cyanide, toxic pesticides and other toxic materials.

(5) Corrosive materials, including sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, liquid batteries, sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide and so on.

(6) Radioactive materials, including radioactive isotopes, are prohibited for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) members to have device(s) of radioactive materials exceeding the limited activities as specified in Table 2-12 of "Technical Instructions of Air Transport for Dangerous Goods" (ICAO) in their carry-on luggage and checked luggage during their official travel (for example: chemical agents Monitor (CAM) and/or rapid alert and identification monitoring devices (RAID-M))

(7) Substances or equipment containing irritating components or incapacitating people, such as tear gas, pepper spray and other items that can cause personal injury.

(8) Gaseous oxygen or air cylinders required for medical use and liquefied oxygen equipment, as well as personal used medical liquefied oxygen equipment. If it is required by emergency rescue, passengers shall apply to the company in advance, and the company is responsible for the supply.

(9) Lithium battery that is recalled by the manufacturer due to quality problem; lithium ion batteries or battery packs with rated energy exceeds 160Wh, and lithium metal batteries or battery packs with lithium content exceeds 8g (wheelchairs or mobility aids powered by lithium batteries are excluded). The lithium battery of which the lithium or the rated energy can’t be confirmed. (e.g. the label is not clear or not marked, and short of other evidences);

(10) Electrical shock weapon (eg. Taser stun gun).

(11) Other items endangering flight safety, such as strong magnetic materials that may interfere with a variety of instruments on board, materials with a strong pungent smell.

(12) Safety matches or lighter for personal use, including lighters powered by lithium battery; except for crewmembers, and the crewmember can carry one small box of safety matches or one safety lighter. The safety matches or lighter in this item also including friction matches, million matches or small cigarette lighter, igniter, lighter fuel and lighter refills, etc.

(13) Wheelchairs or mobility aids with spillable batteries;

(14) Small lithium battery-powered vehicles, such as smart balance vehicles, electronic scooter, electronic smart folding bicycle, electronic monocycle and so on.

(15) Baggage equipped with battery (including smart cycling suitcase), of which the battery can’t be removed, and with a lithium metal content exceeding 0.3 g or a Watt-hour or rating exceeding 2.7 Wh.

III. Regulations on transportation of common dangerous goods

1. Alcoholic beverages

2. Dry ice

3. Portable electronic devices (e.g., watches, calculators, cameras, cell phones, laptops, portable video cameras)

4. Battery-driven mobility aids

5. Portable medical electronic devices for medical purposes

6. Suitcase equipped with lithium batteries

7. Battery-containing e-cigarettes (including e-cigars, e-pipes, and personal atomizers)

8. Non-radioactive medical articles (including aerosols)

9. Toiletries (hairsprays and perfumes, including aerosols)

10. Aerosols for sports or home use

The specific regulations are as follows:


Items or articles


Approval of the company is required


Checked baggage

Carry-on baggage(including on one’s person)


Alcoholic beverages


Yes (only for  tax free goods bought onboard or in the airport sterile area)


1) Alcoholic beverage is not allowed to be carried in carry-on baggage (including on one’s person), except for the tax free goods bought onboard or in the airport sterile area, while the receipt shall be provided and pass the security check.

2) Alcoholic beverage can be transported as checked baggage, but they shall be in retail packagings, and each receptacle must not exceed 5L.

3) The amount of alcoholic beverage in checked baggage shall comply with following requirements:

a) Alcoholic beverages containing 24% or less alcohol by volume are not subject to any restrictions;

b) Alcoholic beverages containing more than 24% but not more than 70% alcohol by volume, with a total net quantity per person of 5 L;

c) Alcoholic beverages containing more than 70% alcohol by volume must not be transported as checked baggage.


Dry ice




1) No more than 2.5KG per person.

2) The package must permit the release of carbon dioxide gas.


Portable electronic devices (e.g., watches, calculators, cameras, cell phones, laptops, portable video cameras)


Portable electronic devices containing lithium  metal cells or batteries not exceeding 2g or lithium ion cells or batteries not exceeding 100 Wh




1) Portable electronic devices and portable medical electronic devices must not exceed a total of 15 units per passenger. For batteries or heat generating units in equipment capable of generating high heat, heat generating units, batteries or other components shall be removed and placed separately.

2) If devices are carried as checked baggage, must take measures to prevent unintentional activation and damage; totally shut down the power (not sleep mode or hibernation mode and so on).

3) Each cell or battery must be of a type that meets the requirements of each test in the UN Manual of Test and Criteria, Part III, subsection 38.3.


Spare batteries for portable electronic devices containing lithium metal not exceeding 2g or lithium ion cells or batteries not exceeding 100Wh




1) Each passenger may carry up to a total of 20 pieces of spare/loose batteries, including lithium batteries not exceeding 2g of lithium metal and 100Wh of lithium ion.

2) Spare batteries must be individually protected to prevent short circuits (by placement in the original retail packaging or by otherwise insulating terminals, e.g. by taping over exposed terminals or placing each battery in a separate plastic bag or protective pouch).

3) Each cell or battery must be of a type that meets the requirements of each test in the UN Manual of Test and Criteria, Part III, subsection 38.3.


Portable electronic devices containing lithium ion batteries with a Wh rating exceeding 100 Wh but not exceeding 160 Wh




1) If devices are carried as checked baggage, must take measures to prevent unintentional activation and damage; totally shut down the power (not sleep mode or hibernation mode and so on).

2) Each passenger may carry such spare batteries not exceeding 2 pieces in total.

3) Spare batteries must be individually protected to prevent short circuits (by placement in the original retail packaging or by otherwise insulating terminals, e.g. by taping over exposed terminals or placing each battery in a separate plastic bag or protective pouch).

4) Each cell or battery must be of a type that meets the requirements of each test in the UN Manual of Test and Criteria, Part III, subsection 38.3.

5) For batteries or heat generating units in equipment capable of generating high heat, heat generating units, batteries or other components shall be removed and placed separately.


Spare batteries for portable electronic devices containing lithium ion batteries with a Wh rating exceeding 100 Wh but not exceeding 160 Wh





Battery-powered mobility aids


Battery-powered wheelchairs or mobility aids for use by passengers whose mobility is restricted by either a disability, their health or age, or a temporary mobility problem (e.g. broken leg), with non-spillable wet batteries which comply with Special Provision A67 or nickel-metal hydride batteries which  comply with Special Provision A199 or dry batteries which comply with Special Provision A123 in IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations,




A passenger may carry

-      one spare wet, non-spillable battery meeting Special Provision A67;

-      or two spare nickel-metal hydride batteries meeting Special Provision A199 or dry batteries meeting Special Provision A123.


Battery-powered mobility aids (such as wheelchair) with lithium ion batteries  for use by passengers whose mobility is restricted by either a disability, their health or age, or a temporary mobility problem (e.g. broken leg)




1) The removable battery must not exceed 300 Wh;

2) Each passenger may carry 1 spare battery not exceeding 300Wh, or 2 batteries not exceeding 160Wh each. The removed batteries and spare batteries must be transported as carry-on baggage (including on one’s person);

3) Each cell or battery must be of a type that meets the requirements of each test in the UN Manual of Test and Criteria, Part III, subsection 38.3.


Portable medical electronic devices form medical use


Portable medical devices containing lithium metal batteries not exceeding 2g or lithium ion cells or batteries not exceeding 100Wh




1) Passenger carries form medical use;

2) Spare batteries must be individually protected to prevent short circuits (by placement in the original retail packaging or by otherwise insulating terminals, e.g. by taping over exposed terminals or placing each battery in a separate plastic bag or protective pouch);

3) Each mounted battery or spare battery must be of a type that meets the requirements of each test in the UN Manual of Test and Criteria, Part III, subsection 38.3.

4) Portable electronic devices and portable medical electronic devices must not exceed a total of 15 units per passenger. For batteries or heat generating units in equipment capable of generating high heat, heat generating units, batteries or other components shall be removed and placed separately.

5) Each passenger may carry up to a total of 20 pieces of spare/loose batteries, including lithium batteries not exceeding 2g of lithium metal and 100Wh of lithium ion.


Spare batteries for portable medical electronic devices containing lithium  metal cells or batteries not exceeding 2g or lithium ion cells or batteries not exceeding 100 Wh





Portable medical electronic devices containing lithium metal batteries exceeding 2 g but not exceeding 8 g or lithium ion batteries exceeding 100 Wh but not exceeding 160 Wh




1) Passenger carries for medical use;

2) Each person may carry up to 2 spare batteries;

3) Spare batteries must be individually protected to prevent short circuits (by placement in the original retail packaging or by otherwise insulating terminals, e.g. by taping over exposed terminals or placing each battery in a separate plastic bag or protective pouch);

4) Each cell or battery must be of a type that meets the requirements of each test in the UN Manual of Test and Criteria, Part III, subsection 38.3.

5) For batteries or heat generating units in equipment capable of generating high heat, heat generating units, batteries or other components shall be removed and placed separately.


Spare batteries for portable medical electronic devices containing lithium metal batteries exceeding 2 g but not exceeding 8 g or lithium ion batteries exceeding 100 Wh but not exceeding 160 Wh





Baggage equipped with lithium battery (including smart cycling suitcase):


Baggage containing lithium battery




1) If the battery is designed to be allowed to be removed, and for lithium metal batteries, the lithium metal content must not exceed 2g or for lithium ion battery, the watt-hour rating must not exceed 100Wh. The battery must be removed and carried into cabin, it is not permitted in or as checked baggage. The removed battery is considered as spare lithium battery, and it must be individually protected to prevent short circuit;

2) If the battery cannot be removed, and for lithium metal batteries, the lithium metal content must not exceed 0.3 g, or for lithium ion battery, the watt-hour rating must not exceed 2.7Wh;

3) If the smart luggage applies GMS, then it shall be switched off or at airplane mode during the whole flight

4) Each cell or battery must be of a type that meets the requirements of each test in the UN Manual of Test and Criteria, Part III, subsection 38.3.


Spare batteries for baggage containing lithium battery




1) For lithium metal batteries, the lithium content must not exceed 2g or for lithium ion battery, the watt-hour rating must not exceed 100Wh;

2) The electrode must be individually protected to prevent short circuits (by placement in the original retail packaging or by otherwise insulating terminals, e.g. by taping over exposed terminals or placing each battery in a separate plastic bag or protective pouch). 

3) Each cell or battery must be of a type that meets the requirements of each test in the UN Manual of Test and Criteria, Part III, subsection 38.3.


Baggage containing lithiun ion batteries exceeding a watt-hour rating of 100 Wh but not exceeding 160 Wh




(1) If the designed battery of smart luggage can be removed, the battery must be removed and carried into cabin, it is not permitted in or as checked baggage. The removed battery is considered as spare battery, and it must be individually protected to prevent short circuit;

(2) If the battery can’t be removed, the transportation is forbidden;

(3) If the smart luggage applies GMS, then it shall be switched off or at airplane mode during the whole flight;

4) Each cell or battery must be of a type that meets the requirements of each test in the UN Manual of Test and Criteria, Part III, subsection 38.3.


Spare batteries for portable electronic devices containing lithium ion batteries with a Wh rating exceeding 100 Wh but not exceeding 160 Wh




1) No more than two spare batteries per person.

2) Spare batteries must be individually protected to prevent short circuits (by placement in the original retail packaging or by otherwise insulating terminals, e.g. by taping over exposed terminals or placing each battery in a separate plastic bag or protective pouch).

3) Each cell or battery must be of a type that meets the requirements of each test in the UN Manual of Test and Criteria, Part III, subsection 38.3.


Electric cigarettes which contains battery(including electric cigar, electric tobacco pipe and nebulizer for personal use)




1) Lithium content of lithium metal batteries not exceeding 2g and rating of lithium-ion batteries not exceeding 100Wh.

2) Cell or battery must be of a type that meets the requirements of each test in the UN Manual of Test and Criteria, Part III, subsection 38.3.

3) Must be transported in carry-on baggage, use or charging in the cabin is not allowed, and take measures to avoid unintentional activation.


Non-radioactive medical articles (including aerosols)




1) No more than 0.5KG or 0.5L total net quantity per single article;

2) Release valves on aerosols must be protected by a cap or other suitable means to prevent inadvertent release of the contents; and 

3) The necessary liquid articles carried by diabetics or other patients must accept security check, and the medical prescription or hospital proofs shall be offed to security officers, or if they have been checked by the liquid detector, they can be carried in carry-on baggage.

4) The total net quantity of non-radioactive medicinal or toiletry articles and aerosols with no secondary hazard for sports or home use carried by per person must not exceed 2 KG or 2 L.


Toiletry articles (hair sprays and perfumes, including aerosols)




1) As checked baggage, the total net quantity for each unit per person must not excess of 0.5 KG or 0.5 L

2) As carry-on baggage (including on one’s person), each person is limited to 1 piece of the kind of cosmetics, and the volume of its container must not exceed 100ml, and it shall be placed in an independent bag and shall accept opening check. The total volume of liquid articles must not exceed 1L.


Aerosols for sports or home use




1) Aerosols in Division 2.2, with no secondary hazard.

2) No more than 0.5KG or 0.5L total net quantity per single article.

3) Aerosol release valves shall be protected with a cap or other suitable means to prevent inadvertent release of contents.

4) The total net quantity of non-radioactive medicinal or toiletry articles and aerosols with no secondary hazard for sports or home use carried by per person must not exceed 2 KG or 2 L.

Please contact Spring Airlines online customer service specialist for more regulations on transportation of dangerous goods.