
Domestic Flights Within Japan



(Flight number IJ/Japan)

Types of Assistance

SPRING JAPAN is committed to assisting passengers who require mobility assistance, children traveling alone and expectant mothers, so that they may enjoy a comfortable flight with peace of mind. Please feel free to contact us if you require any assistance.

For details, see the following:

Assistance available

Please contact our Call Center in advance.

Assistance for Mobility Impaired Customers

Items confirmed at the time of booking


Do you have a travel companion?

Passengers who are unable to take care of their own onboard needs

※must be accompanied by a travel companion.

※Onboard needs are defined as: 

  • Able to eat and drink by yourself

  • Able to use the restroom by yourself

  • Able to communicate your needs to the cabin attendants


Injured or sick passengers with mobility issues

  • Unable to walk by yourself

    (The passenger requires the use of a wheelchair to the passenger seat and requires assistance moving from wheelchair to seat.)

  • Able to walk by yourself, but not up or down stairs.

    (Requires theuse of a wheelchair up to the entrance of the plane.)

  • Able to walk and climb stairs by yourself, but unable to walk long distances.

    (Only use a wheelchair inside the airport.)


Do you have your own wheelchair?

  • Manual/Electric

  • Size (length, width, height), weight

  • Is it foldable?

  • Battery type (electric only)

Depending on the size and weight of the wheelchair, we may not be able to carry it as checked baggage.


Please download, fill out and submit the Wheelchair Confirmation Form at least five days before the scheduled departure date through our Call Center.

Download the Wheelchair Confirmation Form here.

Day of Departure

  • Please arrive at the airport early with plenty of time (about 90 minutes prior to departure).

  • We will accept your wheelchair as checked baggage at the check-in counter. We will loan customers a wheelchair for use inside the airport.

  • Passengers can collect their checked wheelchair at the baggage claim area upon arrival.

  • When boarding, we will assist passengers in wheelchairs to the cabin with priority. Please be at the boarding gate by the boarding time.

  • Some airports may use stairs when boarding or disembarking. We willprovide a lift car for customers who have difficulty climbing stairs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Are rental wheelchairs available?

A.There are rental wheelchairs available at each airport, but the numbers are limited. Please note that you cannot book in advance.

Q2. When I check in my wheelchair, can I also check in the lap blanket and cushion I use in the wheelchair?

A.Yes, you can. However, we suggest you take lap blankets and cushions off the wheelchair as they may be lost during transit. Please include these items inside your checked bags.

Q3. Can I use the lift car with my travel companion when boarding or disembarking?

A.Yes, your travel companion can use the lift with you, however the number of people who can use the lift at once is limited, so we may not be able to accommodate your request. We will advise you at check in.

Q4. I use an electric wheelchair. Can I bring batteries on board?

A.Batteries fall under air transportation restricted articles, so carry-on is limited by type, number and capacity. For more information, contact our Call Center. Also, please note that we will check the battery during check-in procedures at the airport on the day of departure. It is recommended that you bring the battery instruction manual with you.

Please contact our Call Center as soon as possible, as carry-on may not be possible depending on the situation.

Assistance for Vision Impaired Customers

Items confirmed at the time of booking


Do you have a travel companion?

Passengers who are unable to take care of their own onboard needs

※must be accompanied by a travel companion.

※Onboard needs are defined as: 

  • Able to eat and drink by yourself

  • Able to use the restroom by yourself

  • Able to communicate your needs to the cabin attendants


Will you be travelling with a guide dog?

You areallowed to bring a guide dog on board at no fee.


Please contact our Call Center at least five days before your scheduled departure date to make a reservation.

Day of Departure

  • Please arrive at the airport early with plenty of time (about 90 minutes prior to departure).

  • Our staff will check the guide dog user certificate or the guide dog’s harness is a certified guide dog harness (white or yellow). For other assistance dogs, we will check certification or check the assistance dog’s harness is an officially certified harness.

  • We may ask you to wear a mask andput a leash on your assistance dog (if not already).

  • Please refrain from giving your assistance dog anything other than water on board.

  • If necessary, we may ask you to submit a Medical Information Form (MEDIF) and Waiver Form.

  • When boarding, we will assist you to the cabin with priority. Please be at the boarding gate by the boarding time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. I use a cane or walking aid. Can I use it on board?

A.You can bring it on board. Please keep it at your feet or store safely. Depending on space in the overhead bin, the cabin attendant might keep it for you.

Assistance for Hearing Impaired Customers

Items confirmed at the time of booking


Do you have a travel companion?

Passengers who are unable to take care of their own onboard needs

※ must be accompanied by a travel companion.

※Onboard needs are defined as: 

  • Able to eat and drink by yourself

  • Able to use the restroom by yourself

  • Able to communicate your needs to the cabin attendants


Will you be traveling with a hearing dog?

You are allowed to bring a hearing dog on board at no fee.


Do you need a communication board?

We have communication boards.


Please contact our Call Center at least five days before your scheduled departure date to make a reservation.

Day of Departure

  • Please arrive at the airport early with plenty of time (about 90 minutes prior to departure).

  • Our staff will check the hearing dog user certificate or confirm the hearing dog’s harness is a certified hearing dog harness (white or yellow). For other assistance dogs, we will check the certificate or confirm the assistance dog’s harness is an officially certified harness.)

  • We may ask you to put on a mask andput a leash on your assistance dog (if not already).

  • Please refrain from giving your assistance dog anything other than water on board.

  • If necessary, we may ask you to submit a Medical Information Form (MEDIF) and Waiver Form.

  • When boarding, we will assist you to the cabin with priority. Please be at the boarding gate by the boarding time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Can a person with hearing impairment travel alone with their child or baby?

A. Yes, you can.

Q2. I use a cane or walking aid. Can I bring it on board?

A. Yes, you can bring it on board. Please store it at your feet or in the overhead storage bin. Depending on storage space, thecabin attendant may keep it for you.

Assistance for Cognitive and Developmental Impaired Customers

Items confirmed at the time of booking


Do you have a travel companion?

Passengers who are unable to take care of their own onboard needs must be accompanied by a travel companion who is over 12 years old.

※Onboard needs are defined as:

  • Able to eat and drink by yourself

  • Able to use the restroom by yourself

  • Able to communicate your needs to the cabin attendants

※Travel companion conditions

  • Must be able to assist the passenger with special needs in an emergency evacuation

  • Must not be a passenger with their own special needs.

  • Mustbe able to solely focus on assisting the passenger with special needs

  • Passengers caring for aninfant under the age of two are not permitted to double as a travel companion for another passenger with special needs.

  • Must be seated next to the passenger with special needs.

※Please contact our Call Center after making a reservation.


Are you using a wheelchair?

If you use a wheelchair or need other special assistance, please check with us as necessary.

Day of Departure

  • Please arrive at the airport early with plenty of time (about 90 minutes prior to departure).

  • If necessary, we may ask you to submit a Medical Information Form (MEDIF) and Waiver Form.

  • When boarding, we will assist you to the cabin with priority. Please be at the boarding gate by the boarding time.

Assistance for Ill and Injured Customers

Items confirmed at the time of booking


How is your health?

We are prepared to ensure that you can travel with peace of mind. However, the cabin environment may affect your physical condition, and even if you come to the airport, you may not be able to board due to your medical condition.

We recommend that you consult your family doctor in advance.

In some cases, we may ask you to submit aMedical Information Form (MEDIF) and Waiver Form or have a travel companion accompany you.

Download the Medical Information Form (MEDIF) here and the Waiver Form here.


Do any of the following apply to you?

You will not be permitted to board if any of the following are applicable to you.

  • Your physical condition is likely to change

  • You have a serious injury or illness

  • You have recently undergone surgery

  • Infected with Category I, II, III infectious diseases, a designated infectious disease, a new infectious disease or suspected to be infected with one, or during the suspension period prescribed by the School Health and Safety Act


Are you able to take care of your own onboard needs?

Passengers who are unable to take care of their own onboard needs

※ must be accompanied by a travel companion.

※Onboard needs are defined as: 

  • Able to eat and drink by yourself

  • Able to use the restroom by yourself

  • Able to communicate your needs to the cabin attendants

Day of Departure

  • Please arrive at the airport early with plenty of time (about 90 minutes prior to departure).

  • If necessary, we may ask you to submit a Medical Information Form (MEDIF) and Waiver Form.

  • When boarding, we will assist you to the cabin with priority. Please be at the boarding gate by the boarding time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. I’ve just had surgery, can I fly?

A. You will need your physician to complete a Medical Information Form (MEDIF), because changes in air pressure and oxygen levels during the flight can affect your condition. You may not be able to board depending on your medical condition. Be sure to contact our Call Center in advance.

Q2. It is difficult to sit uprightin a seated position. Can I lie down?

A. For your safety, you must be seated with your seat back upright and your seat belt fastened during take-off and landing. After take-off, once at cruising altitude, provided there is no turbulence you can lie down with your seat belt fastened. However, you will need to purchase the seat next to you. Reservations can be made through our Call Center, so please let us know when you make a reservation.

Assistance for Customer Using Oxygen Cylinders

Items confirmed at the time of booking


A Medical Information Form (MEDIF), Oxygen Cylinder Specification Confirmation Form and Waiver Form must be submitted.

  • Please submit the Oxygen Cylinder Specification Confirmation Form and Waiver Form at least five days before the scheduled departure date through our Call Center.

  • Requirements of the MEDIF are as follows. If you do not have a MEDIF or do not meet the requirements, you will not be able to board.

    1. Filled out by your doctor statingthat you are fit to travel.

    2. Must be issued within three days of the date of departure.

    3. For a return flight, please tick the return flight box on the MEDIF and fill in the boarding date of the return flight on SPRING JAPAN.

  • Download and fill out the SPRING JAPAN special form

    1. Download the Medical Information Form (MEDIF) here.

    2. Download the Oxygen Cylinder Specification Confirmation Form here.

    3. Download the Waiver Form here.


Oxygen cylinders must meet the following conditions:

  • Medical gas or oxygen (gas) (liquid is not permitted).

  • The cylinder has been approved under Japan's High Pressure Gas Safety Act.

  • They must have received a three-year (five years for some cylinders) durability inspection certificate.

  • Carry-on baggage must be approximately 70cm in height and 10cm in diameter with a total weight of no more than 5kgper piece.

Terms and Conditions

If you wish to use oxygen cylinders on board, you will need to purchase a separate seat for securing them as there is no space under the seat.
Please ensure the tube you bring is long enough to accommodate this.

When using oxygen cylinders on board, you must be familiar with the operation or be accompanied by a passenger who is familiar with the operation.

Oxygen cylinders on/in a carrier may be required to be removed from the carrier.

Day of Departure

  • Please arrive at the airport early with plenty of time (about 120 minutes prior to departure).

  • When you check in, we will check the oxygen cylinder number, expiration date (cylinder re-inspection date), manufacturer name, product name, size, etc.

  • When you check in, please present your Medical Information Form (MEDIF) and Waiver Form.

  • When boarding, we will assist you to the cabin with priority. Please be at the boarding gate prior to the boarding time.

Assistance for Customers Using Medical Self-Injection Syringes

For customers using medical self-injection syringes on board

Self-injection syringes such as insulin injections and EpiPens prescribed by your family doctor may be brought on board and used as carry-on baggage if the following conditions are met:

  • It must be securely packed and ready for a security inspection.

  • Do not leave used syringes in the seat pocket or in the cabin seat. Please take it home with you and dispose of it in an appropriate manner.

  • You are not allowed to store medicines or refrigerate them on board. If necessary, prepare your own cooler.

  • To go through security smoothly, it is recommended that you carry a prescription or other form of identification.

  • Do not use the product where other customers can see it. Please let our cabin attendant know when you use it.


  1. Reservations for customers who need assistance can be made through our Call Center. Please let us know what assistance is needed when you make a reservation. Please note that we may not be able to accommodate your request, so please contact us at your earliest convenience.

  2. Depending on the type of assistance, a Medical Information Form (MEDIF) and Waiver Form need to be prepared. Please download, fill out and submit the forms at least five days before the scheduled departure date through our Call Center.

  3. Please allow plenty of time to come to the check-in counter (around 90 minutes prior to departure) on the day of departure, as check-in procedures and security inspection may take time.

  4. For your safety, you are not permitted to select an exit row seat.

  5. SPRING JAPAN does not allow dialysis on flights.