
Return flight Yangzhou (Taizhou) - Urumqi

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    Warning of flight risks for senior, weak and ill passengers
    Restricted by aviation technical conditions, people with special physical conditions are not suggested to travel by plane. In order to avoid unnecessary risks for the weakling among the elderly passengers, the following warm tips are made (you will be deemed to have read, understood and accepted the relevant notices and terms, including the legal liability stated in Article 7 if you continue to purchase tickets):
    1. The cabin of the aircraft is sealed and pressurized. The air pressure is equivalent to an atmospheric pressure of 2,300 meters high (7,000 feet), which can cause the expansion of gas in the body cavity, and also cause mild hypoxia. For elderly people with high blood pressure, heart disease, and cerebrovascular disease, changes in atmospheric pressure may cause consequences such as increased blood pressure, decreased cardiac output, difficulty breathing, or even life-threatening conditions.
    2. There will be a slight jolts and vibrations during the flight. This may become more serious if severe weather is encountered.
    3. The range of motion and degree of comfort in the cabin is limited by the technical equipment of the cabin.There may some risks for some senior citizens in high-altitude flight due to their physical condition. Considering your safety and health, Spring Airlines recommends you consult professional medical staff before flying to ensure.
    Ⅱ.your physical condition is suitable for taking flight. Symptoms not suitable for taking flight are attached.
    1.Patients with heart disease in a very serious or critical state. Such as severe heart failure; cyanotic symptoms or myocardial infarction (within 6 weeks before the air travel).
    2.Anemia patients with hemoglobin content below 50% (Hb8g/dl).
    3.Patients with severe otitis media, accompanied by eustachian tube obstruction.
    4.Patients suffering from spontaneous pneumothorax recently or patients with neurological disease and done pneumothorax recently.
    5.Patients with large mediastinal tumor, large hernia swelling and intestinal obstruction; patients with head injury, increased intracranial pressure and skull fractures; patients with mandibular fractures used wire connection recently.
    6.Alcohol or other drug poisoning; suffering from mental illness; easy to hurt or self-injury.
    7.Patients who have had surgery recently and the wound is not fully healed.
    8.Patients who had suffered from spinal cord poliomyelitis in the past 30 days.
    9.Patients with Infectious diseases including cholera, typhoid, dysentery, chicken pox, measles, smallpox, scarlet fever, diphtheria, encephalitis, meningitis, tuberculosis, acute hepatitis, yellow fever, etc
    10.Patients with infectious or damaged skin diseases.
    11.Patients with severe hemoptysis, hematemesis, vomiting, groan symptoms.
    Ⅲ.There may be certain risks for senior passengers during high-altitude flight due to their physical conditions. In consideration of your health and safety, Spring Airlines recommends you to consult medical professionals before taking your flight, to ensure that your physical conditions are fit for flight.
    Ⅳ.The elderly passengers who are suffered from coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and other cardia-cerebrovascular diseases, or asthma are not recommended to travel by air. If you really need to travel by air in the premise of knowing you have the above disease, "Diagnostic Certificate" issued by the medical unit at or above the county level (inclusive) should be provided. Otherwise, the Spring Airlines may refuse you to get on the plane. If older passengers with the above-mentioned diseases but choose to conceal the condition or fail to do the relevant precautions (such as taking medicines), the passengers themselves shall take the responsibility while the Airlines may be reduced or even exempted from the liability according to law.
    Ⅴ.Senior passengers in poor health, with no self-care ability, and requiring the use of a wheelchair shall be considered as ill passengers. Such passenger should be accompanied by an adult when applying for taking a flight, and Spring Airlines will only accept for carriage with a Certificate of Diagnosis issued by medical unit above the county level (county level included) indicating fitness for flight and the Application Form of Special Passengers for Taking a Flight filled in; when not accompanied by a healthy adult, Spring Airlines is entitled to refuse to take for carriage, and all related losses due to delay or interruption of trip as a result shall be undertaken by the passenger.
    Ⅵ.We strongly recommend that older travelers over the age of 70 be accompanied by a healthy adult for unexpected needs.
    Ⅶ.Regardless of the above, please note that Spring Airlines always reserves the right to authorize the staff on site to judge and refuse passengers who are unsuitable to travel by air, all possible losses caused by the delay or interruption of the trip should be borne by the passengers themselves. Whereas the execution of the on-site rights is a reasonable circumvention to avoid potential but irreparable damage to the passenger, unless your loss is caused intentionally or by grossly negligence (confirmed by judicial ruling, if any), in any case, Spring Airlines and its agents shall be liable for damages due to the fault of exercising the right of refusal (confirmed by judicial ruling, if any) and shall be based on the existence of fault and the refund of the ticket amount, and Spring Airlines shall not make compensation for mental impairment or undertake any responsibility for indirect losses. If you do not agree to this limitation of liability, please do not purchase the tickets.
    Ⅷ.It is our duty to protect your safe travel. Risk prevention, a harmonious and smooth transportation are benefit for everyone. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Service Hotline of Spring Airlines 95524.

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